Born Scared by Kevin Brooks

Cover Art Courtesy of Goodreads
Take a peek into the mind of a child who is terrified of everything. In Born Scared by Kevin Brooks, we follow thirteen-year-old Elliot, as he must conquer some of his fears in this book focusing highly on the daily life of someone with anxiety and crippling phobias.

As Christmas approaches, Elliot realizes that he is almost out of his fear pills. After a mix up at the pharmacy, Elliot panics that he might not get them in time, and if he runs out, the fear "beast" will emerge. A plan is developed to get him his pills in time, but suddenly that plan starts falling apart. First, his aunt Shirley who was supposed to bring him his pills never shows, and isn't answering her phone. Fearing the worst, Elliot's mother goes out searching for her in the snowstorm, but when she doesn't return from what should be a short walk, Elliot has to take matters into his own hands.

This book was interesting, because it's hard to imagine being scared of literally everything. I personally struggle with anxiety, so I know what it's like to have irrational fears, but virtually everything Elliot encounters terrifies him. Some of the scenes got pretty intense, and while I was tempted to tell Elliot to just snap out of it, this book is all about understanding that for him, this IS reality and he can't just snap out of it.

This was described as a "terrifying thriller," but the only terrified one after reading this was Elliot. It seemed like more of a journey-based story than a thriller most of the time. I know we were meant to feel Elliot's fear, but I just didn't and never really connected with the story. This was told from multiple points of view, and while I understood why that was necessary, I didn't really like it.

Overall I enjoyed this story, but didn't love it and probably wouldn't read it again. It was a quick read, and something that would be great to pick up during the upcoming holiday season.

Overall Rating: 3 out of 5 Stars

Thanks so much to Candlewick Press for an advanced copy of this read! Born Scared by Kevin Brooks is out now!


  1. I can't imagine being scared of everything but am sure there are many out there like this and I always wonder how this came to be for them. I'm going to have to add this to my TBR stack. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

  2. I have never know anyone scared of everything and can't even imagine living like that.

  3. I'll have to check this one out. I've been wanting to read more books that has a perspective of anxiety. Great review!

  4. Bummer, sounds like the story had potential! I certainly was curious at what happens in the end.

  5. It sounds pretty interesting. It's just sad it didn't lived up to your expectation s.

  6. I so appreciate your honest reviews! Well done!

  7. It's no fun when a book has potential but doesn't live up to it! Sorry this wasn't more of a win for you but an excellent review!

  8. It's no fun when a book has potential but doesn't live up to it! Sorry this wasn't more of a win for you but an excellent review!

  9. That cover is so pretty - too bad it didn't turn out too well.

  10. The concept sounded amazing, and the cover looks good too. Pity it didn't really work for you though.

  11. Love your writing style :-) The book doesn't sound like it's for me. I prefer more relaxing books. But it's a great review!
