A Room Away From the Wolves by Nova Ren Suma

Cover Art Courtesy of Goodreads
The title of this book coupled with the absolutely gorgeous cover had me intrigued from the first time I saw it. A Room Away From the Wolves by Nova Ren Suma follows runaway Bina, who has found herself at Catherine House, a home for girls in New York City. Having heard stories of Catherine House from her mother, when things got to be too much to bear at home, Bina had to see for herself the magic of both Catherine House and the city. 

But when Bina arrives at Catherine House, she soon discovers that the house and its inhabitants are full of mysteries and secrets. Why is one of her housemates always disappearing, and where does she go? Why does it seem like no one ever moves out? And what is with the obsession with the house's founder, Catherine? The more Bina searches for answers, the more she discovers that Catherine House is not at all what she expected.

The writing and language is just as beautiful as the cover. This story was captivating and swept me right into Catherine House alongside Bina and her housemates. It was creepy and magical, mysterious and maddening. The characters were vivid and intriguing, and I especially loved Monet. The wildness and desire for independent adventure in this story really spoke to me.

My biggest complaint with this read was that I was confused by the ending. I had to read it a few times, and am still not sure I quite understand how things actually wrapped up. 

Overall Rating: 4 out of 5 Stars

A huge thanks to Algonquin Young Readers for a finished copy of this beautiful read! A Room Away From the Wolves by Nova Ren Suma is out now, so be sure to pick up a copy!


  1. Thanks for sharing your thoughts. I'll have to look this book up

  2. Strange endings ruin a book for sure.

  3. Shucks - good endings are important to me. I need closure!

  4. The cover of this book caught my attention too! It sounds really good. I'll have to check it out. Great review!

  5. Wonderful review. I like the cover too.

  6. Great review! Confusing endings are a bummer, but this one doesn't seem so bad at 4 stars! ;)

  7. Great review! I hate endings that leave you confused!

  8. Confused endings are a no no. The book does sound and look lovely though so I might have to add it to my TBR list. Great review.
