People Kill People by Ellen Hopkins

Cover Art Courtesy of Goodreads
People Kill People by Ellen Hopkins was intense, there's no way around that. Focusing on gun violence, and touching on abusive relationships, the sexual abuse of children, white supremacy, and racism, this YA contemporary needs almost every trigger warning possible. Following six different teenagers, this book builds reasons why any one of them may pick up a gun and pull the trigger. It is clear from the beginning that someone will pull that trigger and someone will die, but who? Interspersed with poetry from the point of view of the gun itself, it places you into the shoes of each of these teenagers as you learn their hopes and their fears, and why each of them might be drawn to the weapon.

Writing an actual review of this book is difficult, because it punched me in the gut in so many ways that I don't really know what words are even appropriate. Everything from the point of view of the gun itself was chilling. Even though there were six main characters, their stories never got confusing.

The ending was incredibly sad, and an all too true reality. I've never read anything else by this author before, but it seems like she is known for hard-hitting reads. This book is incredibly important and relevant, but it's best to know going into it that it will make you disgusted, appalled, shocked, confused, and furious. One thing I didn't like was that the book made the argument that guns don't kill people, people kill people, and guns just make it easier. This is an argument typically used against strengthening gun laws. As someone who definitely advocates for stricter gun laws, that argument does not sit well with me.

Overall Rating: 4 out of 5 Stars

Thanks to Margaret K. McElderry Books/Simon & Schuster for a finished copy of this haunting read. People Kill People by Ellen Hopkins is out now, so be sure to pick up a copy if hard-hitting contemporaries are your thing!


  1. Fabulous review. I could not bring myself to read this.

  2. Awesome review. This sounds absolutely heartbreaking and horrifying, yet for some reason, I want to read it.

  3. amazing review, don't think I could read but I really want to, sounds heartbreaking.

  4. Looks like one of those reads I am afraid to read, but know I want to read and need to read. Perfectly worded review.

  5. Excellent review, I don't YA but you have me wanting to pick up this one, although it also scares me ;) How DO you DO that?

  6. Wow, this book has a lot going on. Not sure I could get through it. I appreciate your review on this one.

  7. Great review for a very intense book. Not sure it would be my kind of read. I do agree with you that there needs to be stricter gun laws.
