Still Water by Amy Stuart

Cover Art Courtesy of Goodreads
Coming at you again with another adult psychological thriller review! In Still Water by Amy Stuart, Sally and her son have disappeared, and Clare is tasked with helping find them. She travels to the town of High River and ends up in a home known for taking in women looking to escape their pasts, a home that Sally previously stayed in before her disappearance. 

Unfortunately with this one, I felt that it started really strong and promising, then fell off as the book progressed. It was very gripping at the beginning, but then I had to struggle some to push through and finish. There also didn't appear to be any real effort involved in solving the mystery, Clare just kind of lucked out by happenstance.

I did very much like Clare as a character, however, and appreciate when characters are flawed and potentially unreliable. But I did have some questions.

Turns out, this was the second book in a series, and I didn't know that going in. While it was okay as a stand-alone, I think knowing the back stories of Clare and Malcolm would have really helped me understand their motivations and relationship more. There were multiple times that I just had no idea why things were happening, and I think that would have been alleviated if I read the first book, Still Mine, before this one.

This was just a middle of the road read for me, didn't love it and didn't hate it. I do think I would have rated it higher if I had known more of the backstory, and also if it wasn't so anticlimactic overall.

Overall Rating: 3 out of 5 Stars

Thanks so much to Touchstone/Simon & Schuster for a digital copy of this read! Still Water by Amy Stuart is out now, so be sure to pick up a copy if you love thrillers or are a fan of Still Mine!


  1. That cover is gorgeous, it's too bad the book fell short.

  2. This sounds really good! I'll definitely be adding this and the first one to my TBR list. Great review!

  3. Thanks for sharing your thoughts. I hate when a book starts off with a bang and then falters.

  4. I enjoy psychological thrillers. I wish this one would have turned out better for you. Thanks for sharing your perspective!

  5. I have seen such mixed reviews for this one. I hope your next read hits the mark.

  6. I know exactly how you feel - too bad this one missed the mark

  7. It's always a bummer when a thriller's ending falls flat. Sorry! Hope your next read is much better.

  8. Oh darn, it sounded so good too. I really liked the blurb and though it was going to be amazing. Great review.

  9. I really hate when books start that good then slowly turns bad. I mean, if the book started not that good but ended so good, I like that more!
