Christmas/Holiday TBR

I can't believe we're already into December and so close to the end of another year! I love this time of year, because it's so cozy and I feel like the rush of regular daily tasks slows down a bit. It's the perfect time of year to curl up in front of a roaring fire and tackle some good reads. I've complied my TBR for the holiday season and wanted to share it with you guys. While there aren't a ton of Christmas-themed books on here, they're all books I'm very excited about.
  • My True Love Gave to Me: Twelve Holiday Stories, edited by Stephanie Perkins: YES I KNOW this book came out forever ago and I still haven't gotten around to it. This time I will, I promise!
  • No-one Ever Has Sex on Christmas Day by Tracy Bloom: This was described as similar to Love Actually, so as a huge fan of that movie I'm going to give it a go!
  • The Chalk Man by C.J. Tudor: This was my Book of the Month pick for December. I'm loving the thriller genre right now so I had to jump right into this one.
  • Artemis by Andy Weir: This was last month's BOTM pick but I haven't gotten around to it yet. If it's anything like The Martian I'm going to love it.
  • A Simplified Life by Emily Ley: As a planner girl, I love anything by Emily Ley. Going into the new year with a more simplified vision might be just what I need!
I'm sure I'll end up reading more than just these, but this is my starting point. I've already started two of these so I'm not worried about completing this list. What is on your TBR list for the holiday season? 


  1. I also have No-one Ever Has Sex on Christmas Day and The Chalk Man in my calendar and am eager to read both.

  2. Artemis is also on my list this month. I just got it from the library. I can't wait to start reading it.

  3. I have read none of those but they sound promising :) Good luck!

  4. Sounds like a good month ahead of you! :)

  5. I've been wanting to get around to reading 'The Chalk Man'. I've read Tracy Blooms book, but found it not as fun as the others in the series.

  6. I loved no-one has sex on Christmas Day. The author has a whole series using the concept of No-One Has Sex on... I hope you like it.
