Girls of Storm and Shadow by Natasha Ngan

Cover Art Courtesy of Goodreads
If you haven't yet read Girls of Paper and Fire by Natasha Ngan, where have you been? I absolutely adored this read when it came out last year so I was really excited to get my hands on an ARC of the next book in the series, Girls of Storm and Shadow. This series is a YA fantasy full of Malaysian influences and great LGBTQ+ representation.

Since this one is a sequel, I can't give too much away in a synopsis. In this world, there are three castes, including humans (paper), demon/human hybrids (steel), and pure demon (moon). The paper caste is the lowliest of them all, and they are frequently mistreated by the castes above them. Something HUGE went down at the end of the first book and the main character Lei is having to deal with the repercussions of that event throughout this second installment. Feel free to check out my review of the first book to get a little more detail on the back story of this world. 

Unfortunately this book just didn't live up to the first one for me, which was a shame since this was one of my most anticipated books of 2019. I felt like not much happened and I didn't like the direction some of the characters started to take. I did like the inclusion of some new characters here, especially Nitta, Bo, and Merrin. The ending of this one was not nearly as gripping as the first book either. It was still good, don't get me wrong. I love this world and Lei's character. But it didn't suck me in like Girls of Paper and Fire did.

There is still one more book to come in this trilogy and even though I didn't love this book as much, I still plan to pick up the third to see how everything plays out. 

Overall Rating: 3 out of 5 Stars

Thanks so much to Little Brown/Jimmy Patterson Books for an arc of this thrilling fantasy! Girls of Storm and Shadow by Natasha Ngan just released last week!


  1. Too bad it couldn't maintain the momentum, hope that next one makes up for it

  2. Dude. Bummer it didn't live up to the first one. I haven't read it but I knew that cover looked familiar! A few of my most anticipated 2019 reads have fallen a bit short too but this is a fab review none-the-less!

  3. Sorry to hear that this missed the mark for you. I hope that your next read is more enjoyable.

  4. Girls of Paper and Fire was literally my favorite book of 2018. I’m looking forward to this one.

  5. Awww, sorry it didn't live up to the hype!

  6. Sorry that this did not work for you, but boy do you make the series sound intriguing.

  7. Pity it didn't fully work, hopefully the third book will be better. Great review.

  8. Stinks this book was only 3 stars.

  9. Great honest review, I'm really sorry this book didn't work out well for you I hope your next read is a much better one. Thank you so much for sharing your awesome post.
