Dooku: Jedi Lost by Cavan Scott

Cover Art Courtesy of Goodreads
After reading Black Spire, I decided to tackle the entire Del Rey Star Wars canon. For those counting, it's currently at 23 books long. Jumping in at the beginning of the canon, my first read was Dooku: Jedi Lost by Cavan Scott. Now this one is a little bit different, in that it was originally created as an audio production, then the script was turned into a book. Because of this, I chose to listen to the audio while I read along to the script so I was able to consume the media in its intended form.

This is basically Count Dooku's back story. This tells the tale of how Dooku started as a Padawan, training to become a Jedi. It talks about his family, as well as the relationships he had with other major Star Wars players, like Master Yoda (he was Yoda's own Padawan), and Qui-Gon Jinn (who Dooku chose as his Padawan). It also tells of how he abandoned the life of a Jedi to become Count of Serenno. The whole story is basically told through flashbacks, as his assasin Asajj Ventress learns about what makes her master tick.

I loved listening to the audio of this story as I read along with the script. It did take me a while to get through it this way, but hearing the full cast along with the sound effects really brought the story to life. I don't listen to a ton of audiobooks, but when I do I really prefer ones with a full cast.

I think learning about Dooku's back story was fascinating, and I really enjoyed the insight into why he is the way he is as we know him in the movies. You also got to learn more about Ventress through this story as well. 

Next up in the canon for me is Master & Apprentice by Claudia Gray, a story about Qui-Gon Jinn and his Padawan, Obi-Wan Kenobi.

Overall Rating: 4 out of 5 Stars


  1. Fabulous review. I think this would make a great read/ listen for Star Wars fans.

  2. I'm not big on Star Wars but I imagine listening to this would be super fun! Excellent review :)

  3. I have yet to read any Star Wars books but it looks like a fun goal! I'm so glad you enjoyed it!

  4. The Force is with you this week ;)

  5. Great review, I'm not much of a Star Wars fan so I doubt this would be for me. Glad you enjoyed it though.

  6. Boat something I would read but great review

  7. Ooh I love Star Wars. This sounds interesting

  8. I think it is really interesting to listen and read at the same time. I would have never though to do that.

  9. Great review, I love audiobooks as well I haven't read any of the Star-Wars books yet but I really want to I just never got the time to check them out yet. But after reading your review for this book I really want to check these books out one day. I'm glad you fully enjoyed reading this book. Thank you so much for sharing your awesome post.
