Your Life is Mine by Nathan Ripley

Cover Art Courtesy of Goodreads
I really enjoyed Nathan Ripley's first book, Find You In The Dark, so I jumped at the chance to review this one. Your Life is Mine follows Blanche, the daughter of a cult leader who committed a mass shooting at a shopping mall when she was a child. 

Blanche has tried her whole life to escape the legacy her father left behind. From moving away from home and changing her name, to breaking all ties with her mother and her old life, Blanche seems to be doing a good job ignoring her past. But when her mom suddenly shows up to speak with her, then ends up dead just days later, Blanche can no longer avoid the past she fought so hard to disconnect herself from. Is the cult her father started back? Are people in danger? Is the tragic shooting that happened so long ago going to happen again?

Unfortunately, I didn't feel the same way about this book that I did about Find You In The Dark. It was not scary at all (whereas Find You in the Dark terrified me and left me with a super unsettling feeling). It really dragged and it felt like nothing happened for 98% of the book. It started off well but quickly I realized that it was going nowhere fast. I kept pushing through hoping something exciting would take place but it never did. I was expecting a twist that I never got. When I finally finished it, I was left disappointed and empty. 

Blanche was an annoying and self-centered character and I couldn't like her no matter how hard I tried. She was cold and unforgiving, which makes some sense given her past, but I couldn't care less whether or not she made it out of this story alive.

I'm very fascinated by cults, but I didn't get as much cult content as I was hoping for. And with mass shootings being front and center in our society right now, I feel like an author needs to tread lightly and do them correctly. I don't think he did. 

Overall Rating: 2 out of 5 Stars

Thanks so much to Atria Books for an ARC of this read. Your Life is Mine by Nathan Ripley is out now!


  1. It's such a shame that you felt like that about the book, I hate when it feels like it isn't going anywhere, it's such a shame!

    Kayleigh Zara 🌿

  2. Oh gosh that isn't good. Pity it wasn't better for you. Great review.

  3. Crikey, this is a shame about this book! I'm fascinated by cults too but it's a shame there wasn't much involved. I love scary books too and rarely find a book that genuinely scares me.


  4. Sorry that this was a disappointment.

  5. Yikes - this is not for me. I appreciate your honest reviews

  6. shame you didnt enjoy it, great review

  7. That's so interesting that your experience was so different with each book! This really sounded like it was going to be good as well with that sort of plot. Ah well - might check out the first one instead!

  8. Sucks this didn't live up to the first book.

  9. Oh no, I'm so sorry this didn't work out for you. What a shame because that premise sounds amazing.

  10. Ah I hate getting this way with a book - I get so invested so when it feels like that it's a stinker!

  11. Ah, too bad you didn't enjoy it! I hate it when this happens. You look forward to reading a book and end up disappointed by it.

  12. It's a shame you didn't enjoy this book - your synopsis had me really intrigued but I think I'll just check out Find You in the Dark instead!
    Beth x Adventure & Anxiety
