The Lost Coast by Amy Rose Capetta

Cover Art Courtesy of Goodreads
This book has a gorgeous cover and is about queer witches. Need I say more?? The Lost Coast by Amy Rose Capetta follows Danny and The Grays: Hawthorn, Lelia, Rush, and June. The Grays are a group of witches who are trying to get their friend and fellow Gray Imogen back after she turns up with sea glass eyes and a completely zombified personality, and have summoned Danny to the town of Tempest, California to help them. Danny, unaware that she has any powers at all, quickly becomes enamored with these girls, stopping at nothing to learn her new role in the group as a finder, or "dowser," and help them save Imogen.

I really loved this book! It was so atmospheric and ethereal, and I felt myself right in the woods with these girls among the tall and regal redwood trees. I loved how the Grays were unashamedly themselves, regardless of what the rest of their school thought about them, and how they loved each other so fiercely. There was great diverse representation as well.

The plot was fantastic. There were so many things going on at once, but they all tied well into one another. This was almost like The Craft meets The Wicked Deep meets The Blair Witch Project. 

The only odd thing about this book was how it was told. There were so many different points of view, from Danny, to each of the Grays, to the trees, and the ravens, and more, both in flashbacks and present day. This was a little tricky to follow so you really had to pay attention to each chapter's header to make sure you knew who it was about. This didn't bother me, but I can see it being a turn off for some people.

Overall Rating: 5 out of 5 Stars

Thanks so much to Candlewick Press for an advanced review copy of this read! The Lost Coast by Amy Rose Capetta is out now!


  1. Great review! This sounds like an amazing book - and so different too. You're right, the cover is gorgeous.


  2. Great review. It was fun to read. I love witches and the cover is beautiful!

  3. I like a multiple POV, it keeps me on my toes

  4. I like the sound of this book but not the multiple POV. Great review.

  5. Sounds good, but the multiple POV might be grating to me.

  6. The cover is beautiful! the story sounds interesting! Have you thought of writing a post that list your top favorite books for the Month? it could be like an end of the month series.

  7. Ooo I like the sound of this one. That's another one added to the TBR. Thanks for the review.
    Gemma @ Gemma's Book Nook

  8. This sounds like a really cool book! I love the idea of trees giving their perspective, and that cover has certainly got my attention, how beautiful 😍

  9. Great review! This sounds right up my alley

  10. This sounds like a gorgeous book, with a really interesting writing style, again I'm not sure if I would enjoy it multiple POVs I find really difficult to enjoy x

    Kayleigh Zara 🌿

  11. I am interested to see how the story has been told with different perspectives - I usually love a book in this style!

  12. Wow that cover is so beautiful! I love books with lots of perspective switches, and I love witches, so this sounds like a book I need to check out ASAP :)
    Beth x Adventure & Anxiety
