Running Like a Girl: Notes on Learning to Run by Alexandra Heminsley

Cover Art Courtesy of Goodreads
If you know me in real life, you'll know that I'm currently training for my first half marathon. I've tried this twice before and unfortunately failed, so I'm hoping the third time's the charm! The last time I tried training about 4 years ago, I read this book for inspiration and really enjoyed it, so I decided to revisit it this time around. Running Like a Girl is a memoir by Alexandra Heminsley that details her experiences going from someone who never thought she could run to becoming a marathoner many times over.

The book is split into two parts. The first details Alexandra's personal journey, and the second is running tips and tricks for the reader based on what she has learned. From the highs of accomplishment to the lows of pain and self-doubt, the author takes us on her journey, then shares recommendation about all sorts of things: from the best running attire to nutrition tips, and she does it all with a wonderfully sarcastic and comedic touch.

This book 100% makes me want to get out and run. Even though I always knew that other runners experience the same struggles that I do, it's nice seeing that validated in writing. This is a short read, so this is definitely a book I plan to revisit even more times as I continue with my own personal running journey. 

If you have any interest in running, I definitely recommend picking this one up!

Overall Rating: 4 out of 5 Stars


  1. I only run if being chased by something big and nasty

  2. As a teenager I was an athlete - I ran for a club but distance was never my thing, I preferred 100m or 200m I hated training. These days if you see me running you better run too as it means something bad is occurring :-)

  3. Running is not for me, unless it is a life and death situation. I pray to God that never happens.

  4. I am also training for a half marathon. Good luck!

  5. Good luck! I can never focus when running, I couldn't imagine running for 3+ hours straight!
