American Royals by Katharine McGee

Cover Art Courtesy of Goodreads
I loved Katharine McGee's Thousandth Floor series (although I still need to read the final book!) so I was excited to see that she had a new release coming out. American Royals is the story about the American Royal Family, or what the country would look like today if George Washington became king rather than president. 

Beatrice is laser-focused on her role as future Queen. Samantha is grappling with being the "extra," the future Queen's sister with no real point or direction in life. The younger brother Jeff is trying to have a normal love life with a commoner, and Nina (the commoner) is struggling with having a royal boyfriend and best friend (Sam). And outsider Daphne is just trying to get her clutches into everything.

This story was told from something like 5 different perspectives, some of which were more useful than the others. Beatrice reminded me a lot of Elizabeth in The Crown, accepting her duty without hesitation (most of the time). I thought Samantha was way too entitled, Jeff was clueless, Nina was naive, and Daphne was just plain cruel. I didn't really like any of the characters except for Beatrice, and even then I think it was more that I felt bad for her rather than truly liked her. I did like the pop culture references in this book, and occasional nods to the British Royal Family, but overall I was pretty let down.

I honestly don't know if this is supposed to be a standalone or the first in a series. If it's a standalone, I'm super disappointed in the ending. And if it's a series, unfortunately I'm not sure I liked it enough to continue. **Sidebar: Just looked it up. It's a series. Crap. ** 

Overall Rating: 2 out of 5 Stars

I received an ARC of this book at the ALA Annual Conference. American Royals by Katharine McGee is out now!


  1. Great honest review. Hope your next read is better!

  2. I definitely think I made the right choice in DNFing this book. Thanks for the honest review.

  3. That stinks. I'm sorry it was a disappoinment

  4. I appreciate your honest reviews - this one would be a pass for me

  5. I wanted to read this one when I saw it - the cover and the title,, but did not pick it up for some reason - too many other reads! so thanks for the honest review!

  6. Oh gosh, not good when you enjoy other books by the author but then you feel let down by another. Great honest review.

  7. This was in my TBR, maybe I have to think again

  8. Great honest review, I'm sorry this book didn't work out for you I hope your next read is a much better one. Thank you so much for sharing your awesome post.
