The Lost Night by Andrea Bartz

Cover Art Courtesy of Goodreads
A psychological thriller about people in their early thirties based in NYC? Absolutely count me in! The Lost Night by Andrea Bartz follows Lindsay 10 years after her best friend Edie's suicide. But was it really suicide after all?

Lindsay has always thought she could put all the pieces together from the night that Edie died, but after a dinner with an old friend who was also around that night, now she's not so sure she can. When inconsistencies start to arise, Lindsay begins to believe that Edie might not have killed herself at all. Even worse, with each new discovery, Lindsay is slowly learning that she might have had something to do with it.

I really enjoyed this one! I was excited to pick this up and read it every night and it kept me engaged. And I absolutely did not see that twist coming! I liked Lindsay a lot as a main character, and was getting serious manic pixie dream girl vibes from Edie. I loved all the references to the 2000s, like Flip Cams, and it definitely made me nostalgic. 

I do think that Lindsay's romance subplot(s) were unnecessary to the story line. I also think that it was a little far-fetched as far as how the actual investigation went, but neither of these things took away from the story. This book does touch on miscarriages, so I wanted to make sure I mentioned that.

Overall Rating: 4 out of 5 Stars

Thanks so much to Crown Publishing for a finished copy of this book! The Lost Night by Andrea Bartz is out now!


  1. This is a new book for me and it sounds so good. I might have to give this book a read. Great review.

  2. Sounds like an interesting one. Thanks for your review.
    Gemma @ Gemma's Book Nook

  3. New author for me and it actually sounds really interesting! Thanks.

  4. Definitely looks interesting. Thanks for sharing!

  5. This sounds really good! Great review!

  6. Oooooh I want this book!great review

  7. I always find it intriguing when they mix psychological thrillers with romance. Great review :)
