Sawkill Girls by Claire Legrand

Cover Art Courtesy of Goodreads
YALL THIS BOOK BLEW ME OUT OF THE WATER. That's all there is to it. I saw like 20 amazing reviews of this book in the span of a week or so and knew I had to pick it up. Those reviews were not wrong. Sawkill Girls by Claire Legrand is a supernatural YA horror/thriller that actually managed to give me nightmares. 

This story follows three teen girls who live on Sawkill Ridge: Marian, the new girl who has just lost her father; Zoey, the police chief's daughter who is pretty much an outcast; and Val, the disgustingly rich popular girl who tends to run the show. Sawkill has a history of girls going missing, and Marian's sister Charlotte becomes the newest girl to disappear. Zoey is hellbent on figuring out what happened, as her best friend Thora went missing not too long before Charlotte did. And Val might be more involved in the disappearances than she wants anyone to know.

This book was amazingly atmospheric, with a setting that took on a persona of its own. There were monsters and magic, feminism and friendships. The lesbian and asexual representations were amazing, and done in such a way that made them just a normal part of everyday life. This book is full of kick-ass girls taking control of their own destinies and fighting against the way things have always been. 

I almost got really mad at the ending, but it turned itself around just in the nick of time! I will completely lose it if this becomes a movie, because I can just see it being so good!

Definitely read this. Just maybe not late at night before bed.

Overall Rating: 5 out of 5 Stars


  1. I hate when they take perfectly good books and make them into movies.

  2. I've seen so many great things about this one I really need to pick it up.
    Gemma @

  3. I don't YA but you have me wanting to look at this one

  4. Great review. Thank you for putting this on my radar.

  5. Great review! I’m putting this on my TBR

  6. Great review. I really want to get to this one soon!

    Followed <3

  7. Sounds great and 5 stars too. I'll have to great this one.

  8. Srsly, I've been wanting to read this book bc I keep on hearing good things about this and I love the cover but I don't usually read thrillers and horrors 😭 I don't want to be scared. Great review!

  9. Great review. I'd not heard of it before but it looks so good.

  10. Great review, I heard nothing but amazing things about this book, I'm really glad you enjoyed this book fully. Thank you so much for sharing your awesome post.

  11. That's a ringing endorsement! I have heard good things about this book. Glad you liked it!
