The Dream Daughter by Diane Chamberlain

Cover Art Courtesy of Goodreads
This book completely blew me out of the water! I've never read anything by Diane Chamberlain before, and honestly didn't know much about her books at all. When I got a chance to read this one, I was cautiously optimistic since I didn't know what to expect. But I ADORED IT. The Dream Daughter by Diane Chamberlain can't even be summed up into one genre, because it had so many different components.

This story follows Carly, a widow living in the 1970s whose husband has been killed in the Vietnam War. Shortly after he was deployed, she discovered that she was pregnant. But now there is something wrong with her baby that could be fatal, and there is no cure. Enter Carly's brother-in-law, Hunter, who tells Carly there might be a way to fix the baby's heart condition, but it will require immense bravery and suspension of disbelief on Carly's part to make it happen. Suddenly Carly is faced with a decision: to put trust in the incredulous information her brother-in-law has told her and attempt to save her unborn daughter, or to not believe it and pray that the doctors were wrong.

I honestly can't say too much about this book without giving critical elements away, but I was gripped from the very beginning. I stayed up WAY past my bedtime to finish this read, and the plot captured me more than any book I've read in a long time. I enjoyed all the characters, with the exception of Carly's sister, and even though there were definitely elements of the plot that were unrealistic, it was an incredibly unique and engrossing read.

Overall Rating: 5 out of 5 Stars

Thanks so much to St. Martin's Press for an advanced copy of this read! The Dream Daughter by Diane Chamberlain is out TODAY, so be sure to pick up a copy of this fantastic book!


  1. I've never read any books by Diane either. Going off your review, sounds like I'm missing out.

  2. I have this one sitting on my bookshelf and reading all the reviews today - on pub day - has made me move it up the list. I need to read this now considering you gave it 5 stars!

  3. The fact that his was such a good read for you had me very interested!

  4. This is the third rave review I've found on my feed - I think I need to read this one!

  5. I've read a few of her novels and I've always been impressed. I'll have to add to my to-reads!

  6. wow 5 star sounds like a amazing read

  7. It's awesome that you enjoyed it so much! Isn't that the best thing about bookblogging, finding something new and unexpected? Great review :-)

  8. Love it when a book keeps me up at night!

  9. What an amazing review. I have spotted this book here and there but none have had such a beautiful review.
