See All the Stars by Kit Frick

Cover Art Courtesy of Goodreads
There's nothing like a story with a good, unexpected twist. Pair that with a contemporary high school scene and you have a win in my book. See All the Stars by Kit Frick was just that. This part love story, part thriller follows high school student Ellory both at present in her senior year and in flashbacks to her junior year. Something clearly happened that split Ellory's friend group apart and destroyed her life, but what?

While one part of this story was incredibly predictable, the main twist came out of left field and completely took me by surprise! If you read my blog regularly, you'll know that's rare for me! I really enjoyed the characters and was especially intrigued by Ret. With characters like her, I'm always fascinated by what makes them so attractive that people can't help but want to be in their orbit. I honestly can't say I've ever met a person so charismatic in real life, so these types of characters are some of my favorites!

Overall, I enjoyed how unique and truly realistic the characters were. I appreciated that Ellory was into metalworking as an art form. I found that so unique and wish I could have seen some of her pieces. The writing in this novel was absolutely beautiful and poetic, and the story just flowed off the page. The last chapter was good closure, and I felt satisfied with the ending. And can we talk about this cover - it's gorgeous!

Fans of We Were Liars by E. Lockhart will absolutely love this read! It's one of those books that you will want to read over and over again to get your questions answered and discover more details.

Overall Rating: 4 out of 5 Stars

Thanks so much to Margaret K. McElderry Books/Simon & Schuster for a finished copy of this thrilling read! See All the Stars by Kit Frick is out now, so be sure to pick up a copy!


  1. The setting is so unique, yet realistic. Nice review.

  2. i have never heard of this bit it spunds great. good review.

  3. I haven’t heard of this one, but it sounds up my alley!

  4. This one is new to me but sounds tasty - thanx for the info

  5. Great review. I really love that book cover.

  6. LOvely review seems like a book that would easily spark my interest as well.

  7. What an interesting sounding book. Great review.
