Find You In The Dark by Nathan Ripley

Cover Art Courtesy of Goodreads
I read so many thrillers that for the most part, they don't freak me out anymore. This one did. This freaked me out so badly that when my husband went away for the weekend, I made him take this book with him so I couldn't read it while home alone. Find You In The Dark by Nathan Ripley is about a man fascinated with murders, and what happens when he gets in too deep.

Martin Reese is obsessed with murders. So obsessed, in fact, that his hobby is digging up the bodies of missing murder victims. Think of a Murderino on steriods. Using police files from a friend on the inside, he prides himself on being able to find the missing bodies that the cops could not, and after finding them he calls them in anonymously, simultaneously taunting the police and giving the families of the victims some closure. But one day Martin finds a recently deceased body in one of the graves he digs up, and he realizes that someone is onto him.

This book really gets you deep into the mind of a serial killer. It's almost a psychological profile of a killer in itself, mixed in with a mystery. All throughout the story I kept asking myself, "Could someone really be this twisted?" and the answer was always yes. Personally I've always been interested in the minds of serial killers and fascinated by murders, but I know many people are (otherwise the My Favorite Murder podcast wouldn't be so successful!). But this really does take it into uncharted territory.

The story is told from multiple points of view, but doesn't ever get confusing. Each of the characters is strongly developed and you really learn what makes them tick. The picture painted here is so clear that you can easily see yourself in the Reese residence, in Ellen's store, and in Keith's apartment. The overall ominous and creepy tone of the book was right up my alley and I was left with a very unsettling feeling. 

This book has been compared to Dexter (which I loved) and I definitely agree! It was a very slow burn book, though, which I'm never a huge fan of. There was also a little sexism in my opinion, and there were a few loose ends I would have liked to have seen tied up better.

Overall Rating: 4 out of 5 Stars

Thanks so much to Atria Mystery Bus for an advanced copy of this read! Find You In The Dark by Nathan Ripley was released this week, so be sure to pick up a copy!


  1. ooh. I need this book! Brilliant review.

  2. Wonderful review! I don't read many thrillers, and I don't usually read them on purpose but I'm a bit intrigued by your review.

  3. What did you find sexist? I *don't* read a lot of thrillers, but I liked this one and also found it scary!

  4. I am a scaredy cat but I did enjoy Dexter. I may have to give this one a go, but like you - will not read it when I am home alone! ;)

  5. This sounds extra creepy! Im adding this to my TBR and will have to make a special note to only read it during the day and when I'm not alone!

  6. This sounds really good! Great review!

  7. Always enjoy a book with an ominous feeling. It makes you want to read till the end!

  8. I like the sound of this book. Sounds like a thriller with a unique plot. Great review.

  9. I am generally not a thriller person but I would do what you did - if I'm home alone, the book is gone :) Great review!

    Megan - Ginger Mom and the Kindle Quest
