Before I Fall by Lauren Oliver

Cover Art Courtesy of Goodreads
My lovely blog readers, I'm back! Sorry for the hiatus, but I had my wedding and honeymoon to celebrate! Lucky for you, I read some fantastic books while I was away that I will be posting reviews for in the coming week. The first of these is Before I Fall by Lauren Oliver. I actually started reading this as a free digital sampler on my flight home from the honeymoon, and loved it so much I bought the physical copy in the airport during my layover to finish during the second leg of the flight. 

This book follows Samantha, a teenage girl who loves her life, her popular friends, and her boyfriend. She has everything she wants, but a tragic accident forces Sam to face reality and acknowledge the fact that she hasn't been the nicest person in the past in order to finally find peace. You see, Sam is killed in a car accident, but she is forced to relive her last day over and over again until she can make things right.

I really enjoyed this book. It was fast moving and a very quick read. I loved Sam's character, and her friends Ally, Lindsey, and Elody as well. I thought the character development was great and so was the plot, and I loved all the details (I actually ordered a large hazelnut coffee with no sugar and extra cream with a sesame bagel from Dunkin Donuts this morning, if you get my reference!). I really enjoyed seeing how Sam relived her last day over and over, changing into a different person every day. I was a little disappointed with the ending and it was somewhat predictable, hence knocking off a star.

I absolutely have to watch this movie now to see if it lives up to the book. This is the first Lauren Oliver book I've read, but I now have tons more on my TBR!

Overall Rating: 4 out of 5 Stars


  1. Congratulations on the wedding!! How exciting!!

    I’m excited to hear your reviews! This one sounds fun to read! 😊

  2. I <3 Lauren Oliver, This has been on my TBR for sometime now. Make sure you read the Delirium series you will not be disappointed.

  3. Woot - congrats! Now you have more time to read ;)

  4. Sounds very intriguing. Congratulations by the way. X

  5. Congratulations on your wedding. I wish you many happy years. Oh and it looks like a good book too.

  6. Congrats! and thanks for the review, looks interesting. No my normal genre but I do diversifying.
